
Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Sex never broke up a couple, curiosity did.
If a cat has 9 lives, a couple has 900. Count the number of quarrels and patches.
A couple's journey of 1000 miles begins with 2 steps, not 1.
Before the 21st century : Behind every great man there's a great woman.
Since the 21st century : Behind every great man there's no woman. Because there ain't no great man anymore. This proverb rewrites itself : Behind every great woman there's a great man.
When going for dates : Better early than never. Better never than late. Never be late. See, the word never is infront of the word late, implying the importance of it.
Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Boys will be Boys till they go NS. Then they become NS boys.
Though the proverb says ' doubt is the beginning not the end of wisdom', it sure is the 'end and not the beginning of happy relationships'.
Easy come, easy go? I'd say yea, for your un-true loves. If not, its hard to come, never to go.
Faith will move mountains, faith will keep relationships.
Home is where the heart lies.
Make love, not war.
Rome wasn't built in a day. A relationship is bigger than rome.
Appreciate the present, for there's no time like the present.
And... live today like tomorrow's not coming.