
Friday, October 10, 2008


2 years have passed for some, 6 for others. For me, its 1.5 years. 
1.5 years of 6m-ness. The lost boy entering the class on the first day finds his way into 6m. Pitts, the first guy i talked to. :)
How time passes. CAC, the countless lunches, breaks, library sessions, handphone gaming sessions, lecture chit chats, playground communication, birthday celebrations, lots of shopping, class chalet. 
6M, a class of variety, style and cock talk in b-47. Haha. :) how many will remember b47 in a year's time? 
Its time to plan a yearly class outing. :) 
Today marks the closure of our rj lives. A fitting end for an incredible journey. :) 
Forget 6M we shall never. :)